25 Jahre Bonner Konvention - CMS - Übereinkommen zur Erhaltung der wandernden wildlebenden Tierarten

National Geographic Deutschland and Lufthansa

herewith launch at the ocaasion of the 25 th Anniversary of the

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS)

a new award for the most outstandig PhD thesis on the biology of migratory species of wild animals.

Thesis Award on Migratory Secies Conservation

The award, amounting to 10,000 Euro will be awarded every three years at the Conference of the Parties to CMS, and for the first time at the 8th meeting of the CMS Conference of the Parties in 2005, in affiliation with Museum Koenig, Bonn (www.museum-koenig.de). Details on the application procedure will be published in early 2005 on the CMS website (www.cms.int), in the CMS Bulletin as well as in the National Geographic Deutschland Magazine (www.natinoalgeorgaphic.de) and Lufthansa publications (www.lufthansa.de).

UNEP/CMS Thesis Award on
Migratory Species Conservation


On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS or Bonn Convention) National Geographic Deutschland and Lufthansa donate an award for the most outstanding PhD thesis on the biology of migratory species of wild animals amounting to 10,000 EURO.
For the promotion of scientific co-operation (basic research) and applied nature protection the Secretariat of the Bonn Convention on Migratory Species has established a prize for the best thesis in the field of migratory species. The reason is the 25th anniversary of the Bonn Convention and the conclusion that scientific results from the basic research often flow into nature protection practice with a delay of many years. Particularly the international nature conservation sector that is essential for the protection of migratory species has benefited over the past years from new methods such as satellite telemetry, DNA-fingerprinting etc. Migration routes can be mapped more exactly and the level of threat of individual populations can be measured better.
The award should point out positive examples of co-operation between international nature protection organisations and scientists and help to intensify and improve collaboration. Accepted are finished doctoral theses including scientific results with direct effects on the protection of migratory animal species or results that can be implemented in nature conservation measures. An acknowledged educational institution must have accepted the work as dissertation thesis; the graduation should not be longer than 1 year in the past. A committee consisting of international experts will preselect the theses.
The applicant must register in an online database and provide an English translation of the title and an English summary as well as references to the candidate’s articles reviewed by journals so far. Only after a preselection the complete version of the doctoral thesis is requested for further examination.
The award ceremony takes place every 3 years on the occasion of the Conference of Parties of the Bonn Convention (COP) at alternating locations, and for the first time at the 8th meeting of the CMS COP in 2005. National Geographic Deutschland and Lufthansa grant the price and the cost involved in co-operation with the UNEP/CMS Secretariat and Museum Koenig.

Technical details The Award recognizes and supports exemplary work in the field of migratory species. Each 3 years CMS grants a 10.000 EUR earmarked or uncommitted award to a doctoral thesis with direct relevance for migratory species or practical nature conservation measures and which is serving to extend, modificate or complete the Global Register on Migratory Species (GROMS). Since just doctoral theses are accepted, current work for GROMS will be saved, which was not published yet.
Applicants are invited to fill out an online application form including the English title and abstract of their thesis. The applicant has to assent to the fact that the thesis might be included into the GROMS database for publication. Once a decision board is established, it will decide on a detailed application procedure. The Board is entitled to consult external researchers and finally will adjudicate on the awarding. The granting of the award will take place every 3 years simultaneously with the CMS Conference of the Parties (COP). The candidate must attend the COP, present his work and mention his further plans. An outline of the importance for CMS should be clarified through a laudation. The sponsor should bear the prize money, airfare and accommodation costs of the recipient.
Details on the application procedure will as soon as possible be published on the CMS website, in the CMS Bulletin as well as in the National Geographic Deutschland Magazine and Lufthansa publications soon.

Links und Dokumente:

CMS - Convention on Migratory Species - Website der Bonner Konvention
25 Years of Journeys - Jubiläumsbulletin zur Bonner Konvention
(engl.; 3,2 MB; pdf)
Originaltext der Konvention (pdf)
Broschüre über die Bonner Konvention (pdf)
Informationen des Bundesumwelt- ministeriums zur Bonner Konvention
Broschüre des Umweltministeriums zur Bonner Konvention
GROMS - Global Register of Migratory Species
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