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The GROMS database and GIS maps have now been published in different format, both on CD and on the web.

The most comprehensive version is published on CD, which is part of the publication:

Global Register of Migratory Species. Weltregister wandernder Tierarten. Database, GIS Maps and Threat Analysis. Results of the R+D-Project 808 05 081.404 pages + CD

On the web, the database and maps are published in different formats, to fulfil different user needs.

Mailing list on migratory species: Migration is an international discussion forum, trying to bring together researchers and conservationists working on migratory animals. Subscribe to Migration by sending an email to: majordomo@listserv.uni-bonn.de, subject: leave blank, text: subscribe migration

To post information to the list, send an email to: mailto:listname@listserv.uni-bonn.de.

For questions or problems please contact Klaus Riede: k.riede.zfmk@uni-bonn.de.

We need your feedback to optimise these products. It is then evisaged to make them accessible as one web portal for migratory species
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