Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de
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Addax nasomaculatus (De Blainville, 1816)
Family: Bovidae
Order: Artiodactyla
English: Addax
French: Addax à nez tacheté
Spanish: Adax
German: Mendesantilope (There's a German version of this page!)
Norwegian: Mendesantilope (There's a Norwegian version of this page!)
Migration: intracontinental
Regions: [...]
CMS: App 1
RL1996: EN
RL2000: CR

map about the distribution of Addax nasomaculatus 

“The Addax is a species of the true desert, adapted to dispersed pastures. At the end of the dry season, the Addax descends to the sub-desert Sahelian savannahs, and in dry years even as far as the 14th parallel (Beudels-Jamar et al. 1999).
Until recently, it was widespread, but lost 90% of its range within one generation! This regression is partly a consequence of the drying up of the Sahara, but the decline accelerated dramatically due to colonisation, oil prospection, and the militarisation of the desert. Addax is extremely sensitive to disturbance, and entire herds were hunted to death, as it gallops until exhaustion if chased. Since they are so heavily built they are not capable of great speeds and are easily overtaken by horses, dogs and off-road vehicles, which now penetrate into remotest areas. In some range states, prospects for conservation and reintroduction improved in the last decade, and several protected areas have been identified within the Sahelo-Saharan Antilope Action Plan (Tunisia: Djebil National Park: UNEP-CMS 1999).”
Riede, K. (2001): Global Register of Migratory Species. Weltregister wandernder Tierarten. Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag), p. 181

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by Ansgar Tappenhölter