Taxonomic authority files and links to other databases < Bibliography > Results

3.7 — Bibliography

The main purpose of the literature module is to track the exact reference to information stored in the database. Only evaluated references have been linked to individual species, but many more citations have been entered. However, GROMS cannot substitute professional bibliography services, such as BIOSIS or Zoological Record, which should be consulted for a comprehensive search. Nevertheless, the literature module contains a considerable number of important publications, including references to entire bibliographies and grey literature, including unpublished reports such as the CMS proposals for certain species. Several citations are linked to full-text documents. Users searching for certain species should be aware that neither the GROMS database nor the mentioned services cover all synonyms for a species. Besides the scientific name, users should search by vernacular names of species and families, as well as by important synonyms. For example, a search for the great egret Casmerodius albus in BIOSIS comes up with 14 references, the synonym Egretta alba yields only 7 (different!) references. In addition, one should not forget to search for the vernacular name 'great egret' itself.

Additional references can be found free of charge within the databases of large natural history libraries24.

24 Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Germany:
Natural History Museum, London:
Taxonomic authority files and links to other databases < Bibliography > Results

This document should be quoted as part of the publication "Riede, K. (2001): The Global Register of Migratory Species ­ Database, GIS Maps and Threat Analysis. Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag), 400 pp." + CD

 by Klaus Riede