Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de

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Tringa totanus (Linnaeus, 1758) Family: sandpipers, snipes Order: Charadriiformes print version
Common redshank Chevalier gambette Archibebe común Rotschenkel
Migration: partial chiefly migratory

Verbreitungskarte von Tringa totanus Chiefly migratory, although some birds in Iceland and W Europe virtually resident. Much overlap between subspecies in winter range, but in general smallest birds (N Scandinavia) winter farthest S (typically W Africa); while largest (Iceland) winter on average farthest N (Iceland to North Sea). Migration through Europe is Sw- SSW, except for Atlantic Is; presumably on broad front overland and along coast; birds wintering in W Africa may cross Sahara on passage. In Asia, movements noted through Japan, Mongolia, E China (Chichi Plains), Hong Kong and Korea (Scarce); breeders of Altai and Novosibirsk area and probably C Siberia winter in India. A few birds remain in winter quarters all year. Occurs annually in small numbers in NW & N Australia. In nominate race, W African winterers migrate N from late Apr to May, when S breeders already incubating; these S birds migrate S in Jul (adults) and mid-Aug to early Sept (juveniles).   (del Hoyo J, Elliott A, Sargatal J (eds), 1996)

Recommended link: http://www.oneocean.org/ambassadors/migratory_birds/in_search_of_a_safe_refuge.html
Feedback: mail to Klaus Riede
(Last update: 26.04.04 by E.Heuel)