Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de

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Scolopax minor Gmelin, 1789 Family: sandpipers, snipes Order: Charadriiformes print version
American woodcock Bécasse d'Amérique Chocha americana Kanadaschnepfe
Migration: partial S breeders sedentary, intracontinental

Verbreitungskarte von Scolopax minor N breeders migratory, leaving area from Sept to mid-Nov; start and progress of migration considerably influenced by weather; cold fronts appear to prompt heavy flights S; earliest autumn movements precede decrease in food availability. Birds return Jan to mid-Apr. Migrants probably follow coastline in E and broad river valleys in Midwest. Birds from NE USA and most of Canada E of Ontario move into S Atlantic states, from Virginia southwards; birds from W of Appalachian Mts. and also from Quebec and Ontario probably follow Mississippi R and major tributaries into Gulf states; Gulf states receive migrants from NW, NC & NE of range. S breeders probably mostly sedentary, but some early hatched young might join northward migrations. Vagrant W to Montana and Colorado.   (del Hoyo J, Elliott A, Sargatal J (eds), 1996)

Recommended link: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/scolopax/s._minor$narrative.html
Feedback: mail to Klaus Riede
(Last update: 26.04.04 by E.Heuel)