Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de

Hirundapus caudacutus (Latham, 1802) Family: Apodidae Order: Apodiformes Back
White-throated needletail Stachelschwanzsegler Martinet épineux Vencejo mongol
CMS NL Redlist 2000 (Criteria) NL CITES NL (Europe: SPEC threat status )
Migration: partial

Hirundapus caudacutus

Nominate race is a long-distance migrant. Himalayan race nudipes may be resident or perhaps just summer visitor; reported to appear and disappear at localities rather suddenly, making clear assessment of migratory status complicated. Nominate on Siberian breeding grounds mid-May to late Sept, L Baikal from second half of May to late Aug; summer visitor, Japan, Apr-Sept; migrates through China, Indochina, and to lesser extent E Thailand, Wallacea and New Guinea; recorded on passage and possibly as winter visitor through Wallacea: mid- Oct, Sangihe; Oct to early Apr, Lombok; late Sept, Oct and Jan, Flores; Oct , Timor; recorded from Aru in early Apr. Migrates through SE Asia Sept-Nov and winters in Australia Dec-Mar; many records of overshooting birds in New Zealand, Nov-Mar. Recorded from Cape York Peninsula, N Australia, with Apus pacificus in Jul, presumably non-breeding birds. In spring, recently recorded for first time on Hainan, Apr; migrates through Hong Kong mid-Mar to early May, SE Asia as late as May, and NE China in May. Vagrant to Aleutian Is (4 records, May), Seychelles, and W & N Europe, with British and Irish records Apr-Jul and Nov; also one Nov record from Malta.
(del Hoyo J A Elliott; J Sargatal (eds) (1999) - www.hbw.com )

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Explanatory notes
(Last update: 05.08.02 by E.Heuel)
