Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de

Caprimulgus nubicus Lichtenstein, 1823 Family: Caprimulgidae Order: Caprimulgiformes Back
Nubian nightjar Nubischer Ziegenmelker Engoulevent de Nubie Chotacabras nubio
CMS NL Redlist 2000 (Criteria) NL CITES NL (Europe: SPEC threat status )
Migration: partial

Caprimulgus nubicus

Poorly known. Nominate race probably sedentary. Middle Eastern race tamaricis possibly sedentary and partially migratory. Some may move SW during Oct-Nov to winter in coastal lowlands of NE Sudan, eritrea, Djibouti and NW Somalia. Autumn vagrants also recorded NE Saudi Arabia and Oman (Mainly Oct). Return movements in spring noted mid-Feb to late May (mainly Mar-Apr) in Israel. Race torridus possibly sedentary and partially migratory. Socotran race jonesi probably sedentary.
(del Hoyo J A Elliott; J Sargatal (eds) (1999) - www.hbw.com )

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Explanatory notes
(Last update: 05.08.02 by E.Heuel)
