Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de

Apus barbatus (PL Sclater, 1865) Family: Apodidae Order: Apodiformes Back
African swift Kapsegler Martinet du Cap Vencejo de el cabo
CMS NL Redlist 2000 (Criteria) DD CITES NL (Europe: SPEC threat status )
Migration: partial

Apus barbatus

Nominate race present as breeder in South Africa Aug to mid-May, with presumed migration through Kariba, Zimbabwe, in May and Aug, while some probably overfly Botswana. However, wintering recorded from S Cape, Swaziland and Natal. It has been suggested that balstoni may be migratory to some extent, with decline in numbers noted in SW Madagascar Apr- Jul and on High Plateau Apr-Sept. Resident in other areas of range. In Natal, altitudinal migration from 1500- 2400 m to below 900 m. Situation in Zimbabwe complex, with many "black" swifts present at Victoria Falls Nov-Apr, including small numbers of hollidayxi and larger numbers of A. apus, but majority assumed to be migratory South African population of nominate race. W African race sladeniae may be only a vagrant to Bioko, while 2 possible sladeniae recorded from Principe in 1997.
(del Hoyo J A Elliott; J Sargatal (eds) (1999) - www.hbw.com )

Regions: Sub-Saharan Africa
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Explanatory notes
(Last update: 05.08.02 by E.Heuel)
