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Platanistidae - List of species mapped by GROMS

Click on the Latin name to enter the species fact sheet.
All fact sheets are based on information compiled by the Global Register of Migratory Species -
Inia geoffrensis (de Blainville, 1817)
Amazon river dolphin Amazonas-Delphin Delfín rosado del Amazonas Dauphin de l'Amazon
Platanista gangetica (Roxburgh, 1801)
Ganges river dolphin Ganges-Delphin Delfín del Río Ganges Platanista du Gange
Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & d'Orbigny, 1844)
La Plata dolphin La-Plata-Delphin Franciscana Dauphin de la Plata