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Furnariidae - List of species mapped by GROMS

Click on the Latin name to enter the species fact sheet.
All fact sheets are based on information compiled by the Global Register of Migratory Species -
Asthenes pyrrholeuca (Vieillot, 1817)
Sharp-billed canastero Ockerkehlschlüpfer Canastero coludo Synallaxe vannier
Cinclodes fuscus (Vieillot, 1818)
Bar-winged cinclodes Binden-Uferwipper Remolinera común Cinclode brun
Geositta antarctica Landbeck, 1880
Short-billed miner Feuerland-Erdhacker Caminera patagónica Géositte à bec court
Upucerthia dumetaria Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1832
Scale-throated earthcreeper Schuppenkehl-Erdhacker Bandurrita común Upucerthie des buissons