Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de

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Lagopus lagopus Linnaeus, 1758 Family: Phasianidae Order: Galliformes print version
Willow grouse Lagopède des saules Lagópodo común Moorschneehuhn
Migration: partial intracontinental

Verbreitungskarte von Lagopus lagopus Sedentary in some places, e.g. in Scotland and Scandinavia, where only short range altitudinal movements occur. At least partially migratory elsewhere: in N Siberia may move 200-300 km in forested areas; in North America occasionally reaches latitude of N Minnesota and S Ontario. Date and magnitude of movements may depend on food shortages, perhaps linked with population cycles, and mass migrations have occurred in some years. Females tend to move farther. Very limited daily movements.   (del Hoyo J, Elliott A, Sargatal J (eds), 1994)

Regions: East Asia, Europe, North America, North Asia, West & Central Asia
Recommended link: http://www.vindelalven.se/turist/eng/Dalripa.shtml
Feedback: mail to Klaus Riede
(Last update: 05.03.04 by E.Heuel)