Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de

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Elanus axillaris (Latham, 1801) Family: Accipitridae Order: Falconiformes print version
Black-shouldered kite Élanion d'Australie Elanio australiano Australischer Gleitaar
Migration: partial intracontinental

Verbreitungskarte von Elanus axillaris Resident populations in temperate coastal lowlands; others dispersive, partly migratory and irruptive in response to plagues of prey. Irregular in semi-arid zone; regular wintering on coast.   (del Hoyo J, Elliott A, Sargatal J (eds), 1994)

Regions: Oceania
Recommended link: http://www.delhibird.org/id_feature-2/id2_black- shoulderedkite.htm
Feedback: mail to Klaus Riede
(Last update: 05.03.04 by E.Heuel)